The Facility is open.
The Chemistry buildings and with the MR Facility are open for hands-on use. Please note the following in your planning for returning to “normal” work within the Facility:
NMR, SQUID and Mossbauer service work will end tonight (Tues Nov. 9, 2021) at 9:30pm.
When contacting NMR staff, use, and include your advisor’s name in the email.
1. All new users of the facility that have not been trained for hands-on use of the EPR, Mössbauer, and SQUID must contact MR Facility staff to setup a training session. Do not use the facility until you have gone through this training.
2. The following COVID safety protocols remain in effect in the MR Facility:
— Stay masked at at all times in the facility, and also in the Chemistry building.
— Maintain social distancing while in the Facility: one person at a spectrometer at one time, no gatherings while waiting for spectrometers, no loitering in hallways.
— Keep surfaces disinfected. Plastic covers will stay on keyboards, and EtOH solutions will be at all workstations for spraying before and after use.
— Please wash your hands frequently, especially after you exit from the Facility.
3. Mössbauer, and SQUID instruments are available via our calendaring (FACES) system at starting at 10am tomorrow. Please be collegial with scheduling your time. These instruments require additional training for use. If you have not been trained and have a justifiable need, contact Cathy Clewett
— SQUID, Mossbauer, and EPR will re-open via calendaring.
If you have questions or concerns, contact Cathy Clewett
Information about COVID-19 compiled by the department can be found here.
NMR Facility hours match the Chemistry Building hours: users should not enter the building or Facility outside of these hours.
*********** Other news *********************************************
The full MR Facility has resumed “normal” accounting practices for applying charges. All users must be aware that fees are not based on calendar requests. Under calendared use, charges are based on the time logged in the Excel spreadsheet. That has worked well in the past, and is an accurate and efficient method for doing the accounting. It is the user’s responsibility to sign-up and use just the time needed under calendared use. Do not signup for a set of short experiments unless someone will stick around to log out when the experiments are done.
[9 Nov 2021]
Welcome to the Chemistry SQUID Website!
A SQUID (Superconducting QUantum Interference Device) is the most sensitive device available for measuring magnetic fields, and the SQUID in the MPMS (Magnetic Property Measurement System) is the source of the instrument’s remarkable sensitive. When the sample moves through a system of superconducting detection coils close to the SQUID, the current from the detection coils inductively couple to the SQUID sensor. When properly configured, the SQUID electronics produce an output voltage proportional to the current flowing in the SQUID input coil. Because all the coils, wires and the SQUID input coil form a closed superconducting loop, any change of magnetic flux in the detection coils produce a change in the persistent current detection circuit, which is proportional to the change in magnetic field. In a fully calibrated system, measurements of the voltage variations from the SQUID detector as a sample is moved through the detection coils provide a highly accurate measurement of the sample’s magnetic moment.